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Pikes Peak College Access Partnership

About Us

The Pikes Peak College Access Partnership has been meeting since the Fall of 2021 to collaborate and multiply college access support opportunities for youth in the Pikes Peak Region. We are collaborating and communicating on items such as recruitment of students, reducing overlap and duplication of services, building out professional best practices and identifying points of partnership such as offering community-wide FAFSA/CAFSA nights and providing professional development to school counselors. Our goal is to find creative ways to reach beyond the students and families that each individual program is serving to create a stronger college access / college counseling culture in the Pikes Peak Region.

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Vision and Mission 2023

Our vision is that college is accessible, attainable, and affordable to all students in the Pikes Peak region.

Our mission is to best serve youth in their post-secondary pursuits by connecting them to a network of programs and services centered around college access and preparation. 

Who We Are

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